How Does Acupuncture Work?

“What does acupuncture do?” “How does it work?” Patients ask this question every day. Acupuncture harnesses the body’s internal resources to promote balance and...

Backing Up Bone Health

In the 2018 United States Census, just shy of 290,000 of Minnesotans are age 65 or older. In 20 years that figure is projected...

Whiplash Injuries

Slippery winter roads set the stage for car accidents. If it happens to you or someone in your family here are some things to...

Freeze Your Buns Run 2020

The 17th Annual Freeze Your Buns Run/Walk was hosted by the Hamel Lions on Super Bowl Sunday, February 2, 2020. Runners gathered at the...

Unseen Hours: the Pursuit of Virtuosity in the Absence of Prestige

It is damn loony that the sun is 95 MILLION miles away and can cause the sweat from my brow to ride the bridge...

Four Things You Should Know for Basic Eye Care

Routine eye exams are one of the best health care decisions you can make. Most Americans value their vision more highly than any of...

Spring Cleaning

Winter has ended and the tradition of spring cleaning reminds us to deep clean and purge our homes. It is also an excellent time...

Oh my aching back!

This time of the year can be tough on your back if you have a yard and like to garden. There is really no ergonomically correct...

Rules for Retail Have Changed

COVID has changed everything. Into the garbage go my marketing books from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. In fact, most of the marketing...

Alleviating Stress and Anxiety

The past year, with all the unknown developments and uncertainties about the future, has been stressful for everyone and devastating for some. Some have...