Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Staying Healthy Through The Winter

The summer is over and the days are getting shorter and darker. In Minnesota, we don’t get the benefit of natural Vitamin D from...

Celebrating Eid Milad Un Nabi (Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday)

The city of Medina, Minnesota is slowly growing and is experiencing an influx of diverse residents from a variety of backgrounds. I am one...

How Does Acupuncture Work?

“What does acupuncture do?” “How does it work?” Patients ask this question every day. Acupuncture harnesses the body’s internal resources to promote balance and...

Business Retirement Plans: What Makes Sense for Your Business?

Small business owners are faced with the challenge of making decisions for their business and employees daily. One of these challenges can be how...

Backing Up Bone Health

In the 2018 United States Census, just shy of 290,000 of Minnesotans are age 65 or older. In 20 years that figure is projected...

Vegetable Soup Base

A friend recently shared with me this soup base recipe (thank you, Jo!). It’s a great starter to which you can add the vegetables,...

Whiplash Injuries

Slippery winter roads set the stage for car accidents. If it happens to you or someone in your family here are some things to...

Tax Law Changes – 2019 Tax Year

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) created some significant changes to the tax laws. They were some of the largest...

The SECURE Act and how it could Impact You

For the first time in over a decade, Congress has pushed through significant measures to help millions of Americans save more toward retirement. The...

Cauliflower Spaghetti

Ingredients 1 head cauliflower or 1 12 oz. bag of riced cauliflower1/2-1 pack taco seasoning (season to your preferred taste)1 - 1 1/2 jar pasta...