The best dentistry in Minnesota Lakeside Family Dentistry - you can tell from the name that it is a dental office, but what’s so great about it? Why is there an article about it? If you have questions, I hope...

The Scharf Family

As McKenzie, Andrew and their daughter Stella settle in the LocalTies office on Hamel Road, their youthful optimism fills the room. Having just celebrated her first year in business, I asked McKenzie how she got her start. “I’ve always...
Phillip Kopischke, President and Chief Executive Officer of SharePoint Credit Union, sat down with me via a ZOOM call one sunny, brisk day early this 2021. We were both meeting from our home offices in an atmosphere of familiarity...

BEE Friendly

At first, beekeeping and a message of conservancy may seem inconsistent coming from a pest management company, but not when that company is Adam’s Pest Control. Adam’s championed the ability to keep bees in Medina. Because of our interest, Medina’s...
“What does acupuncture do?” “How does it work?” Patients ask this question every day. Acupuncture harnesses the body’s internal resources to promote balance and healing. Our patients often note that several symptoms improve simultaneously! Treating acute and chronic pain, like...

Support Local

Since June of 1991, family owned Gear West has stood tall as a bastion of local business principles; focusing on service, customer relationships and maintaining an experienced staff. Over 28 years as a specialty sports retail business, their steadfast...