

Meet Milo, Part of One Big Happy Family!
Last September, I had the honor of introducing you to Chilly, the Canine Executive Officer of the Farmers State Bank of Hamel. Chilly and his sister Dusty live with dad Rowdy, who’s president of Farmers State Bank, and mom Shannon, who owns Pine View Aussies.

Today, I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you to Dusty’s son, Milo, who is an intern at Farmers State Bank. Milo goes to work almost every day with mom Barb Hawkins, who is a customer service representative at the bank. Though I’ve seen Milo in lots of photo ops and at various bank events, I’ve also caught him sleeping on the job! He’s so quiet, not making a peep, that a lot of people don’t even know he’s there. And, I’ll tell you a secret: once Milo chewed on some wires under his mom’s desk and shut all the bank computers down! But with just a sweet look into the eyes of bank CEO Shorty, who for some reason calls Milo “Wilbur,” Milo didn’t lose his banking privileges. Lucky dog!

At home, Milo lives with Gizzy, a shi tzu, and in a crazy twist, his sister Koda. You see, mom Dusty has had three litters of puppies, and Milo is from the third litter, and Koda the second litter. When Barb’s daughter Ashley adopted Koda, Barb, her husband Randy, and daughter Tiffany wanted an Aussie of their very own and were fortunate to have Milo come into their lives when he was eight weeks old.

Milo is a true Minnesotan and loves to go boating and camping. He enjoys going for walks to the mailbox, staying close to his family. And although he hasn’t quite mastered retrieving beer from the fridge for dad Randy, he’s working on giving high fives and handshakes. Like me, he doesn’t understand the concept of bringing a ball back when playing fetch – I mean, we didn’t throw it, why should we go get it?!

This crazy dog’s favorite toy is a large water jug for dispensers – he loves to drag them around the house and pounce on them for hours! He also is a dumpster diver – whenever he sees a garbage can he jumps in it, or knocks it over. And he doesn’t let anything get between him and a treat! Milo’s favorite day of the week is Thursday, when the bank has popcorn. As soon as it starts popping and the bank fills up with that distinctive buttery salty smell, Milo goes crazy!

Milo has a huge personality, combined with pure innocence and is beyond adorable. Knowing him warms my heart and I’m thankful he’s part of our community.