Medina’s Annual Clean-Up Day


Medina Public Works hosts the annual Clean-Up Day with the primary goal of PREVENTING POLLUTION.

Proper garbage collection and disposal improves recycling, lessens the impact on landfills, and protects the environment through effectively controlling the pollutants and contaminants that are released. Our drive-up sorting stations enable Medina residents to drop off unwanted items while creating visual awareness of how quickly those items add up to mountains of waste.

Table-top educational displays will be set-up where residents are reminded of the importance of recycling, organic recycling, and pollinator gardening to benefit pollinators plus absorb and filter pollutants found in stormwater runoff allowing clean water to slowly soak back into the ground.

The Girl/Boy Scouts Troop 570 have (again) volunteered to walk city streets and pick-up garbage in the ditches.

Our Mayor will be on hand to grill hotdogs, and members of the Park Commission will be present to promote Medina’s Parks and Trails system to our residents.

I think its common knowledge that Public Works is responsible for such things as water and sewer utilities, roads, parks, trails, and even the cemetery. But Clean-Up Day allows the Team to showcase our commitment to protect Medina’s significant natural resources while motivating the community to actively participate in PREVENTING POLLUTION.