Fathers of 55
By Chris Pederson and Kelly Pederson
Photo credit: Michelle's Portrait Design
In the spring of ‘79, two brothers with little experience but plenty of gumption came together as a family to open Highway 55 Rental. Having...
Spring Cleaning
Winter has ended and the tradition of spring cleaning reminds us to deep clean and purge our homes. It is also an excellent time to give your body a deep cleaning on the inside.
Kelly Bosch
Medina Resident, Kelly Bosch, has lived a life of meaning and gratitude, dedicated to serving others. Kelly and her husband Brian, live on Peter Lake in Medina, with their two boys, Kody, 11 and...
Unseen Hours: the Pursuit of Virtuosity in the Absence of Prestige
It is damn loony that the sun is 95 MILLION miles away and can cause the sweat from my brow to ride the bridge of my nose into my eyes. Think about it. The...
Hamel, Minnesota - May 7, 2020
The Hamel Rodeo has made the decision to cancel its 2020 rodeo.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing expectations, it was decided that the rodeo cannot take place.
Assisted Living & Memory Caretakers Give Residents Comfort
Assisted living and memory care facilities and nursing homes, from the outside bring to mind uncertainty and fear during these COVID-19 times. A larger concentration of an older population residing in one place creates...
Rose, things that Bubble, Gin, or Whatever Feels Like Spring
Spring gives me the feelings of growth, rebirth and hope. I love that this time of year brings a fresh new selection of experiences that aren’t normally available during the other seasons. That...
A Child from Gaza
I open my eyes to have my ears popHearing the sounds of deafening shrieks and screamsI close my eyesPraying it goes away but it doesn’t.
I see hordes of dark camo greenGushing in like a...
A Case for Green Space: The How’s & Why’s of Lawn to Meadow
In this time of increasing environmental awareness, many of us want to affect change on a personal level. For most of us the choices seem obvious; installing solar panels on our roofs, utilizing geothermal...